Friday, October 5, 2007


Most of you know about my brother Jonathan. He has ,and always will be a big part of my life. One of Jon's passions, or what should say is addictions, is wading or playing around in the pool. One day I was at Target and I saw these pools for sale. and I thought to myself "Jon would love this". An image of Jon's face popped into my head and I imagined how much joy this would bring to him, needless to say I got the pool. When I arrived home it was late at night about an hour past Jons bedtime. But I was so excited for his new toy that I couldn't wait to tell him about it so I ran upstairs and jumped on his bed and yelled "I got you a new pool", the look on his face was priceless! He was so excited. He about jumped out of the bed to grab his swim trunks. But I assured him that we would go soon and that tonight was to late to go.

The pool actually set around for a few days until I got the motivation to fill it up with air. We didn't have an air pump so my good friend Crystal and I went to the local GI Joes store and got us an air pump. We get home and I plug it in and it doesn't work. I was so upset. I mean the thing was brand new. When I calmed down I looked at the directions (which is something that I loath to do!) Apparently you have to charge it for 12 hrs before it will work. LAME!! There goes another childs dreams, No Not today Jon will have his pool its 80 degrees out side I AM GOING TO SET THAT POOL UP IF IT KILLS ME.

Oh, I remember I have an air compressor in my car... it was one of those cheap ones, but I thought that it would do. Turns out it was a lot cheaper than I thought! I could blow more air in the pool with my lungs than that thing could do in 5min. CRAP I TELL YOU CRAP!

I was wracking my mind for ideas to come up on how to inflate this pool. A light bulb came on. I remembered that when you take a part a vacuum you can get it so the air is forced outward instead of sucked in. I take the vacuum apart and guess what these new vacuums don't work that way! I am going to give myself a stroke before this is over with.

Then I saw it the answer to my prays or maybe it was Gods way of keeping me from doing anything to drastic that may in the end hurt others or myself. Either way it was perfect!
The.........LEAF BLOWER.

Now why didn't I think of this before! (This is were it gets good... I feel like my inner red neck came out in me. ) Here I am on my pourch wear'in a bikini and my army shorts, with pig tails and haven't showered in a while and I am blowing up my brothers pool with a leaf blower.
It was beautiful. That pool was set in ready to go in under 25seconds. I think I may have set a record.... The pool was then filled with H20 and Jon and Scotty were in heaven. Hope you are able to experience their joy as you watch(ed) the video.


Julia said...

Genius idea there Becky. I would of never thought of that! I love this video clip of Jon. I have watched over 10 times(4 times by myself then Sophia came up and wanted to watch it several times to) and it makes me smile every time. Sophia kept say while laughing--that Jon is so funny! I am so glad that you started a blog. It's a good way to keep on each other ' s lives. Keep it up!love-Julia

Anonymous said...

You are seriously the best sister in the world...Rebecca Dyan Dodge I now present you with the Best Sister of the Year Award...dun dun dun dun!!! Jon is so freakin cute in that pool...I know my sistas would have loved it too...One day we'll get them all together...hahaha!!!

Holly said...


I am so excited that you have started a blog. It is the best way to keep up with what's new in your life. I can just click on my computer and see all my children's faces......I love it!! John's swimming video is so cute. I, too, had to watch it several times. Love, love, love all the pictures....can't wait to see all that is to come.
Love you, Momma Holly