I just got off the phone with John Shamrock and the other head honcho (I forget his name) of Carowinds and it was the most pleasant experience. They were completely open to my suggestions and were very kind. The park sounds better suited for people with disabilities like my brother and sister with the new policy, and as stated at the end of my post dated 10-31 I made those suggestions to the park and they were very open to the things I said.
I would say from that experience I will take my siblings back to that park and I am happy to see that they are keeping the "fakers" out and letting those that really need the support "in" on the special pass.
Excellent job, Becky. Your efforts will not only benefit Johathan when you go back, but all the others that I'm sure have experienced the same problems you identified in your essay.
Love You,
Hi Becky! I just checked out your blog. Wow. I too am impressed about your love and efforts on Jonathan's behalf. What a great sister you are.
I blog at www.never-without.blogspot.com Come check it out sometime.
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