Friday, September 21, 2007

"Our Big Day"

Daniel Jay Dodge & Rebecca Dyann Blue

As many of you know Daniel Dodge and I were married on July 20th 2007 in the Portland Oregon Temple. It was a the most nerve recking and happiest day of my life.

This day we both had been preparing for, for a long time. As many of you know the temple is a special place. Only those that have been living in accordance to Gods commandments may enter. And believe me its not an easy path to follow.

There are many people that I wished that could have witnessed our ceremony that were unable to attend for one reason or another. For this reason I wish to share our experience inside the sealing room of the Temple.

Daniel and I were all dressed in white and we knelt across an alter.
In the sealing room of the temple there were mirrors that faced each other and as you looked into them it seems that you and your love went on forever. in that room we made promises with God and each other. And in return, as we lived up to those covenants made we could have an eternal family. Meaning that our marriage continues on beyond this life. This means a lot to me, I care about and love Daniel so much. And I know he loves me dearly too. I look forward to the family that we will have together and I know that I will love them very much. (if you have questions on the temple feel free to visit this website:,11264,1904-1,00.html)

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