Tuesday, December 18, 2007
R to E to D
Monday, December 10, 2007
"Not a walk in the park"
Here is a little picture in the lovely Canadian Mountains. It was so exquisite up there! Tanya & Joel, friends of ours that we were visiting in Vancouver BC thought of this great hike that we should go on. Tanya warned us that it would be difficult, but its worth it. I warned them that I am really out of shape and hadn't worked out in months. Also warning them it will take a while to get it done. But I love hikes and so does Daniel so we were up for the challenge.
As we began the hike we were greeted with a sign that says "this is not a walk in the park" I wish I had a better picture so you could read it more clearly. I thought to myself there is no way that the hike is going to be that bad. As we went on the hike I proved myself wrong. That was the toughest hike I had ever been on in my life. I stopped a million and one times just to catch my breath. When we finally made it to the top it was well worth it. I wish I had pictures of the view, but I was to freezing cold when I got to the top , that I couldn't pull out our camera.
Monday, November 19, 2007
My Love
Thursday, November 1, 2007
When the Honeymoon ends
Daniel and I have had a lot of trials since we got married. The video pretty much explains it all, but I will give you brief summary of what happened.
The week we got back from our honeymoon we had to move my stuff out of my moms. The only time we had to move was the night that our friends came into town. And they were staying with us. Well the house was a mess and there was hardly room for us to even walk around. Things turned out okay, it was just a crunch to get everything done.
Then the following week we went to our friends wedding down in California. It was about a twelve hour drive. It was such a wonderful wedding. We had a blast! The night of the wedding Daniel was up all night hugging the toilet. The next morning Jake and I felt sick but ok enough to go on. As we are driving Jake gets really sick. We stopped at a rest stop for a couple of hours to recuperate. And off we went again, we didn't last to long and ended up at another rest stop for a few hours. When we felt better we went on the road again, but shortly after leaving I got really sick. I will spare you all the juicy details, but we came to find a motel just around the corner. And stayed the rest of the night there.
After we got back things were good for a while. Then I came down with this really bad cold that just didn't want to go away. I passed it on to Daniel and his turned into a nasty sinus infection that lasted forever too.
The next adventure was the day after I was feeling better from the cold I was rear ended on my way to work. My neck and back are really sore still.
About a week after that I got an eye infection and lost most of my vision in my right eye for about a week.
And the day I went to the doctors to have my last check up on my eye I went home to do the dishes and the dish washer didn't do its job. As I was washing the dishes the glass broke and I cut my hand. My neighbor took me to the ER were I got stitches.
Well I hope the drama is over and I hope you like the video!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Oh that Scotty
My really good friend Crystal (the hot blond aka my maid of honor) has this adorable son Scotty. Well he thought that he would show us his dance moves & Daniel was playing around on my camera and caught these hot moves.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Most of you know about my brother Jonathan. He has ,and always will be a big part of my life. One of Jon's passions, or what should say is addictions, is wading or playing around in the pool. One day I was at Target and I saw these pools for sale. and I thought to myself "Jon would love this". An image of Jon's face popped into my head and I imagined how much joy this would bring to him, needless to say I got the pool. When I arrived home it was late at night about an hour past Jons bedtime. But I was so excited for his new toy that I couldn't wait to tell him about it so I ran upstairs and jumped on his bed and yelled "I got you a new pool", the look on his face was priceless! He was so excited. He about jumped out of the bed to grab his swim trunks. But I assured him that we would go soon and that tonight was to late to go.
The pool actually set around for a few days until I got the motivation to fill it up with air. We didn't have an air pump so my good friend Crystal and I went to the local GI Joes store and got us an air pump. We get home and I plug it in and it doesn't work. I was so upset. I mean the thing was brand new. When I calmed down I looked at the directions (which is something that I loath to do!) Apparently you have to charge it for 12 hrs before it will work. LAME!! There goes another childs dreams, No Not today Jon will have his pool its 80 degrees out side I AM GOING TO SET THAT POOL UP IF IT KILLS ME.
Oh, I remember I have an air compressor in my car... it was one of those cheap ones, but I thought that it would do. Turns out it was a lot cheaper than I thought! I could blow more air in the pool with my lungs than that thing could do in 5min. CRAP I TELL YOU CRAP!
I was wracking my mind for ideas to come up on how to inflate this pool. A light bulb came on. I remembered that when you take a part a vacuum you can get it so the air is forced outward instead of sucked in. I take the vacuum apart and guess what these new vacuums don't work that way! I am going to give myself a stroke before this is over with.
Then I saw it the answer to my prays or maybe it was Gods way of keeping me from doing anything to drastic that may in the end hurt others or myself. Either way it was perfect!
The.........LEAF BLOWER.
Now why didn't I think of this before! (This is were it gets good... I feel like my inner red neck came out in me. ) Here I am on my pourch wear'in a bikini and my army shorts, with pig tails and haven't showered in a while and I am blowing up my brothers pool with a leaf blower.
It was beautiful. That pool was set in ready to go in under 25seconds. I think I may have set a record.... The pool was then filled with H20 and Jon and Scotty were in heaven. Hope you are able to experience their joy as you watch(ed) the video.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Marriage "the begining"
Now that we are all married and "settled" in life seems so much more calm. I remember the month before the wedding feeling so stressed. Man, I am getting stressed just thinking about it. Any how we are all moved into this 50's style town home. I painted practically the whole house, with some help from My mom, Daniel, and Mike.. oh and we can't forget Jon. It looks really cool. Its nice to have our own home. Mine and Daniels "love nest", that is until the kids come. Which will be a while if you are wondering. We are taking our time getting to know each other.
Daniel is studying for his GMAT exam which is next month. He wants to go back to school to get a masters in international business. Along with working full time at Intel.
I am just doing the working thang. Taking care of my brother here and there. Cleaning houses, and working part time at this Non-profit organization called Oregon School Based Health Care Network. Its a company that promote health care for children ages 0-18. They have clinics in the surrounding schools so the children get the help they need.
Not to go off on a tangent or anything but what is the deal with the government on health care? We know that education is a "basic human need" so our kids won't grow up to be illiterate or uneducated. Ok so my child will have the ability to have knowledge, which is great, but what if she is sick due to a lack of resources for health care. What if me or my husband take ill due to a lack of health care coverage, that will then effect our children, will it not? I could go on but my point is that it seems to me that health care is just as a basic human need as education, if not more of a need.
Maybe I will just move to Canada.. haha only kidding eh.
Back to what the purpose of this post was...well I am sleepy now, but I want to show you my apartment. So for another post I will show some picture.
Daniel is studying for his GMAT exam which is next month. He wants to go back to school to get a masters in international business. Along with working full time at Intel.
I am just doing the working thang. Taking care of my brother here and there. Cleaning houses, and working part time at this Non-profit organization called Oregon School Based Health Care Network. Its a company that promote health care for children ages 0-18. They have clinics in the surrounding schools so the children get the help they need.
Not to go off on a tangent or anything but what is the deal with the government on health care? We know that education is a "basic human need" so our kids won't grow up to be illiterate or uneducated. Ok so my child will have the ability to have knowledge, which is great, but what if she is sick due to a lack of resources for health care. What if me or my husband take ill due to a lack of health care coverage, that will then effect our children, will it not? I could go on but my point is that it seems to me that health care is just as a basic human need as education, if not more of a need.
Maybe I will just move to Canada.. haha only kidding eh.
Back to what the purpose of this post was...well I am sleepy now, but I want to show you my apartment. So for another post I will show some picture.
Our Song
Here are the lyrics from the song we danced to.
I put the song on our webstite, but I am not sure
if its playing?? Anyways enjoy!
I put the song on our webstite, but I am not sure
if its playing?? Anyways enjoy!
Not talkin bout a year, No not three or four.
I don’t want that kind of forever, in my life anymore.
Forever always seems, to be around when it begins,
But forever never seems to be around when it ends.
So give me your forever, Please, your forever.
Not a day less will do from you.
People spend so much time every single day,
Runnin round all over town Givin their forever away.
But no not me I wont let my forever roam.
And now I hope I can find my forever a home.
So give me your forever, please your forever.
Not a day less will do from you.
Like a handless clock with numbers, an infinite of time.
No not the forever found only in the mind.
Forever always seems to be around when things begin.
But forever never seems to be around when things end.
So give me your forever, please your forever.
Not a day less will do from you.
I don’t want that kind of forever, in my life anymore.
Forever always seems, to be around when it begins,
But forever never seems to be around when it ends.
So give me your forever, Please, your forever.
Not a day less will do from you.
People spend so much time every single day,
Runnin round all over town Givin their forever away.
But no not me I wont let my forever roam.
And now I hope I can find my forever a home.
So give me your forever, please your forever.
Not a day less will do from you.
Like a handless clock with numbers, an infinite of time.
No not the forever found only in the mind.
Forever always seems to be around when things begin.
But forever never seems to be around when things end.
So give me your forever, please your forever.
Not a day less will do from you.
Now playing: Ben Harper - Forever
via FoxyTunes
Friday, September 21, 2007
Wedding Album
Take a look at our pictures from our wedding and reception just click on the title of this posting
"wedding album"
"wedding album"
"Our Big Day"
As many of you know Daniel Dodge and I were married on July 20th 2007 in the Portland Oregon Temple. It was a the most nerve recking and happiest day of my life.
This day we both had been preparing for, for a long time. As many of you know the temple is a special place. Only those that have been living in accordance to Gods commandments may enter. And believe me its not an easy path to follow.
There are many people that I wished that could have witnessed our ceremony that were unable to attend for one reason or another. For this reason I wish to share our experience inside the sealing room of the Temple.
Daniel and I were all dressed in white and we knelt across an alter.In the sealing room of the temple there were mirrors that faced each other and as you looked into them it seems that you and your love went on forever. in that room we made promises with God and each other. And in return, as we lived up to those covenants made we could have an eternal family. Meaning that our marriage continues on beyond this life. This means a lot to me, I care about and love Daniel so much. And I know he loves me dearly too. I look forward to the family that we will have together and I know that I will love them very much. (if you have questions on the temple feel free to visit this website:
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