Monday, March 3, 2008

Go-Go-Go Globetrotters - Post by Double Dee

About a month ago the Globetrotters were in town and I decided it would be a great event for Jon and I to go to. I remember that as a kid I would see commercials promoting globetrotter games in the area. The commericals were filled with high flying dunks, beautifully orchestrated loopty-loop passes intermingled with zany, staged gags. Oh how high were my hopes! Ultimately, the performance was quite the disappointment; alas I was about 15 years past the targeted audience. Jon, however, became the globetrotters greatest fan that night as I became an even bigger fan of Jon. Watching him and trying to see things through his eyes makes every occassion that much more enjoyable. As you watch this video you can see why! I have a lot to learn from his pure and unfeigned attitude.